Thursday, January 10, 2008

What is an Essay? What is a SAXessay?

The first paragraph of the entry on "essay" says:

"An essay is a piece of writing, usually from an author's personal point of view. Essays are non-fictional but often subjective; while espository, they can also include narrative. Essays can be literary criticism, political manifestos, learned arguments, observations of daily life, recollections, and reflections of the author."

While I am not always in favor of quoting wikipedia (anyone can put information in to wikipedia, whether they know the material to be true or not), I think this overview is pretty much what I consider an essay to be. The rest of the entry is quite interesting and comprehensive, so anyone looking for a deep discussion on what an essay is, should follow the link and read on.

b moving on....
What is a SAXessay? This is a name for what I will be placing in this website -- writings from my head, and from my doppleganger's head sometimes (with credits, of course), which may be keepers for one reason or another and as such may merit a special safe-deposit spot on the web.
I have places I write rambling reflections, but this site will hopefully be limited to a collection written more thoughtfully and tightly and with more editing. There will doubtless be even more editing as time goes on, as would certainly happen if this folio were sitting around on the desk getting amended in this or that place as time goes on. These entries are the ones which would get a sheet protector on them in my portfolio.
So that's what a SAXessay is. And who is SAX? Inevitably, the answer to that question will manifest itself as the two of us tip our brains and spill words into this "idea-safe." If others find these ideas interesting or useful, we would like to have you say so. Comment, if you wish!